registration open Approved OAP Clinical supervisors 416-571-8620
Build Strong Social Connections!
The Social Circle™ is based on Children's Friendship Training (Frankel & Myatt, 2003), an evidence based 12 week social skills program, designed to help children establish and maintain friendships. This group is offered weekly for 2 hours, on Saturday afternoons. This group focuses on the following skills:
JumpStart™ Your Child’s Learning Journey!
JumpStart™ is designed by our Registered Behaviour Analysts and establishes essential foundational skills for success in both school and community settings. JumpStart™ is offered on a weekly basis on Saturday mornings and runs for 12 weeks. Using the principles of applied behaviour analysis, this dynamic group experience focuses on key foundational areas such as:
Big Feelings, Bright Futures!
Press Pause and Play™ is a group based emotional regulation curriculum, designed by our Registered Behaviour Analysts. It is offered twice a week from 3pm-5pm. Using the principles of applied behaviour analysis, this group will teach children to:
Sharing Stories, Building Confidence!
The Hangout Hub™ is designed by our Registered Behaviour Analysts and is offered once a week for 15 weeks. This group is offered both on Saturday afternoons and on weekdays from 3-5pm. The Conversation Corner™ is designed to support pre teens and teens in developing friendships, enhancing communication skills and establish understanding of both verbal and non verbal body language in communication. This curriculum focuses on the following skills:
Early Communicators™ establishes essential communication skills for the home, school and community environments. In a small group format, Children are taught to communicate and express their basic needs. This group is a foundational group for young children who are experiencing delays in language development as well as young children who are just beginning to learn to use augmentative communication systems (i.e. PECS). Early Communicators™ is offered on a weekly basis during the week from 10am-12pm and runs for 12 weeks. Early Communicators™ focuses on primary language and communication skills such as: